
21st March marks the official beginning of Spring and the Spring Equinox. I love this time of the year – the sun is shining brighter, the flowers are beginning to push through the soil and bring more colour into our lives. I always love to have fresh flowers around the house and bring some nature inside- the more vibrant the better! Spring for me is my favourite of the seasons – it marks the end of a cold, long winter and the beginning of longer, sunnier days. I can already feel my mood lifted and a spring in my step!! Ostara always remind of ‘Easter’ – which is no coincidence since they are both named after Ostara – the Goddess of Fertility. Fertility is all about new beginnings and birthing new projects and ideas. Set new intentions and sew new seeds – literally and metaphorically! Ostara is a great time to engage in outdoor activities and to be creative.

Since we’re also coming to the time of year when day and night are equal, it’s also a time of balance. Where do you need to find balance in your life? How can you be creative? How can you get outdoors more? Go out and be at one with nature.

Ostara blessings